Welcome to the January Carnival of Breastfeeding! This month we're all talking about our breastfeeding goals for the coming year so don't forget to check out the other bloggers' posts which are listed at the end of the page!
My Breastfeeding Goals for 2009
In some ways it seems a little strange perhaps for me to have any breastfeeding goals since I'm no longer breastfeeding any of my children. However, since I'm very keen to keep spreading the message in whatever way I can that breast is best I do indeed have at least one breastfeeding goal for the coming year - to publish my breastfeeding book!
This is something I'm absolutely determined to get going on this year.
I started writing a book about breastfeeding based upon my own experiences almost two years ago and whilst initially I'd intended self-publishing it, when I started looking into the whole process it appeared so complicated that I gave up!
Then I thought I'd send it out to some publishers. I had done quite a bit of research and put together a fairly decent book proposal but when it came down to it, again I gave up as I couldn't get myself in the right frame of mind to actually send off the proposal and manuscript even though they were printed out and sitting in envelopes ready to be posted!
I thought maybe a confidence boost would help so I sent pdf copies to a few of my blogging buddies and got great feedback from Tanya at Motherwear Blog and Angela at Breastfeeding 123. They both enjoyed the book and gave me some invaluable advice about a couple of things needing clarified...
After another few months of alterations and adaptations it was ready once again and out of desperation I thought maybe I'd make it available as an e-book on my site. However, the whole process is so complicated that that too went on the back burner... and now I'm right back at square 1.
So this has to be the year I do something with it! I'll give you a sneak preview of the first chapter here and then maybe you can help me decide what to do by taking the poll below!
Don't forget to visit the following bloggers who have also written about their breastfeeding goals for the coming year and check back over the next day or two for more to be added:
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